Sunday, November 06, 2005

Wallowing with Whales on the World Wide Web

Wallowing with Whales on the World Wide Web - that's me... and today this is the way I am feeling! On another level I feel like heaving myself out of my environment, however, I am who I am and I cannot escape my environment or my destiny to be me. I feel big sometimes, but in comparison to my environment I am tiny and the song "words are all I have to take your heart away" is playing on the radio as I type this - and there is a dis-abled person out there who I am thinking of at this moment in time - synchronous only because of the breaching whale. i have only ever thought of dis-abled as this-abled as in our new South Africa it is said that "we moenine our languages opmix nie anders sal daar groot kak in our near toekoms wees!" I love you all - we're all raving bloody idiots at times... and if you're reading this far, you must be ok with that otherwise you would have skipped to the next blog long ago...
Perhaps whales breach to get rid of barnacles and aches and pains and frustrations and then sometimes perhaps they breach just for the pure joy of it, who knows?
Anyway, in comparison to my environment I am as a grain of sand - I do get to be an excited grain of sand sometimes and as such think that my journey is very exciting and want to tell all you other grains of sand - and then I find the reality of life that some of you are boulders, some are rocks, some are pebbles and some are just stoned and not at all interested in the journey of a mere grain of sand. I have often thought that a book, or an e-book entitled My Life As A Grain Of Sand might be a catchy title, what do you think? I am having a whale of a time thinking about what I can write about. I know more about me, my thoughts, my experiences and my memories more than I know about anything else and seeing as so many other people have studied me and asked me a gazillion questions about myself, I have often felt virtually obliged to reveal some or parts of my true inner nature as it seems so many people want to know what goes on inside the mind of a bi-polar person - there, I've said it, it's taken me almost 9 months of blogging to say it, as though it's a bad or wrong thing to say, but it's just another label and actually a collection of symptoms, which I do not believe I display, unless you talk about the ability to all by myself start laughing to myself - something Google quoted as the thought for the day the other day as being something that either an enlightenend person or an insane person does, or something to that effect... Posted by Picasa