Saturday, October 01, 2005

talking to the world from the Southern point of Africa...

I've laid my life on the line... and am earning my PhD in LIFE...
I've been smacked in the face and tossed backwards and upside down into The Devil's Toilet Bowl (alias rapid no 6 Zambezi River)
I've endured 2 years of Bulimea Norvosa
I've done half of Gulliver's Travel's, the longest commercially run Grade 5 rapid in the world, upside down in my kayak and still managed to eskimo roll after "hanging in" through the Land of the Giants (part 2 of rapid no 7, Zambezi River)
I have never fallen over in Stairway to Heaven, the largest drop (26ft) grade 5 rapid
there's lots more... They say that there is truth, and then there is all the truth and then there is more truth, it just depends on what you are prepared to remember!


Anonymous said...

You are like a pebble being washed along a lonely beach.
The gentle crack and rattle as the water shifts and rolls you against the other pebbles as the sea guides you along the path it has chosen.

As the sea retracts, you wait forelornly, until it begins its next cycle.

The other pebbles accept their lot and fail to contemplate their choices.

But you do contemplate...

You are precious and I am moved.

Lady Phi 1.618 said...

Thank you kindly my pet rock... :-)