Friday, April 13, 2007

Happy Anniversary Love

I am still not sorry Sir, and with a little Hop & much Faith I trust this is an acceptable farm for you...

T'was a funny week, this week that has been, the 7 days between my birthday on the 5th and now (an hour and a half before our 11th wedding anniversary). There was a fire burning within me that I could barely contain. My river of love burning, how could that be? The sushi was delicious! To take a long arm dance with Dr Tequila from Goose Bay and be spun and twirled and thrown high in the air under your watchful, loving eye leaves me reflecting on the pain I willingly attract unto myself. Oh those beautful bruises on my knees... Yes, of course I love my bruices! The Jackal Buzzards at 7 Queen Victoria Str need their new home please. Pretty please, with a cherry on top. Honeysuckle Cottage will do very nicely thank you ever so much!
The Easter weekend spent at times with delightful Muslim guests staying in Fynbos Cottage & Protea Studio at Oak Grove Farm, the kids running from the dogs, feeding the fish, sitting on my lap and lovingly asking for my attention as well as giving Bach Flower Therapy to "Goddess Granny Thor" was absolutely lovely. As they say, if you're not with the ones you love, love the ones you're with!
With thanks and rememberance to those who have gone before on Flouhoogte. Ou man Fourie, Pietman and his family and the ladies who used to dry & sort the everlasting flowers and read the Die Huisvrou Weekblad up in the roof of Honeysuckle Cottage during 1940 - 1942. There were articles on what was considered "gooie maniere" and how to cook pumpkin fritters, but there was no mention of the World War I. Funny that, it's like here, now, in South Africa, it is peaceful and that is wonderful. On the other side of our planet bombs are going off somewhere. There is a balance, there must always be a balance, whether it be Phi 1.618 or Chi or Ki or Energy or Pi. When we are out of balance we can assume we can put ourselves back into balance, but even impeccable balance is but momentary, be that moment even a long moment. There is only now.
My father gambled with his life, or so he said, he worked hard, ate well, drank & smoked, he gave generously, he broke promises, he let us down. He came to visit me 2 out of about 6 times that I'd been in hospital. After his 1st heart attack his lifestyle did not change much, but after his 2nd heart attack and then a 3rd attack with triple bypass surgery, he began to realise he was living on what he called "borrowed time". And he really began to love life and to love all manner of people. Of course he still had his quirks and intolerances, but he was the kindest most lovable father. I hated him when I was 13 and then when I was 26 I had completely grown in what I called "full-circle relationship". Allan Clive Baker, dad, was the master of ceremonies at our wedding. He asks me to ask you, in my imagination of course, if you are able still to handle me?
Heart attacks, according to Internationally renonowned metaphysical teacher, Louise Hay, are all about something to do with lacking love? The parting thoughts from my father are to Suck on a Tit, Sit on a Shit and Sort out This!
I say: "Let's Live and Let's Love!" and as the Ladybird, who is so small and fragile and with so short and adult life cycle, says to the other Ladybird "Let Go and Let God!" and you will be amazed at the miracles, luck and small pleasures.
Happy Anniversay for the 11th time. 11, numerologically speaking is a profoundly powerful number. This is the year for us to come into our own. I love you and as yet do not fully understand the almighty power of love, but give me another 40 years and I'll give it the best damn shot I can.

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