Monday, January 15, 2007

In Gratitude, humour and remembrance...


Thank you for being Sir's guardian angel and for making yourself so apparent in my life, truly heard and truly felt. Your sometime presence is literally a Godsend to me at times, like those times when I feel my little universe is truly crumbling under my feet.

OK, I'll 'fess up here, when you first shouted (or should I say screamed?) at me from the top of Mnt Maccapucare I could not deny the validity or timing of your precise and truthful words, "Is his unconditional love not good enough for you?"

I must admit though, I really liked the humour in your comment about the fact that you'd been hearing Sir complain so much about the fact that I never listened, that you actually believed him and so thought the volume was absolutely vital. I also acknowledge that a good first impression was also important in order for me to believe.

I'd like to remember that the first time I met you - you were coming down from the top of the "Fish Tail" section of Mnt Maccapucare and whispered quiet words of wisdom to me.

My aplogies for the photo, but it was the best I could do with a few clicks of the button, and anyway, it was directly instrumental in me writing this to you. I know this is only the second time I have written to you and the first was a list of 10 urgently needed requirements, so before I go any further I would like to thank you (and Gabi and SAS) for blowing me away and delivering virtually on cue. Thank you thank you thank you. It has been a rough rapid in the river of life since then, but I'm still in my boat, I've got my life-jacket, helmet and paddle, the support of awesome family and friends as well as the entire Universe, or so it seems. Everyone is just so friendly and lovely and sometimes I still giggle like a 16 year old when I remember how lucky I am to be alive.
Yes, yes, I remember that it was made manifest in the newspaper that "she is the luckiest little girl in Cape Town". Well, all I can say is that with Guardian Angels like you around, I am certainly not surprised!
If I may promise you one thing, it shall be this: "I shall endeavour to love Sir as unconditionally as he loves me" and I declare that: "To err is human, to forgive Divine and I forgive you, so I'm Divine..."

Buried at

Note to Sir: When I got stuck in that grade 4+ hole on the Marsyandi and lost a lot of confidence, remember that it all came back after messing up in another rapid yet still Eskimo rolling and feeling the returning surege of exhilirating adrenaline...

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